Event Calendar

Thursday, November 7, 2024

LeadingAge RI Activity Professionals Group Meeting

Start Date: 11/7/2024 2:30 PM EST
End Date: 11/7/2024 3:30 PM EST

Venue Name: LeadingAge RI

Zoom only
RI  United States 

Organization Name: LeadingAge RI

Karen Donovan
Email: kdonovan@leadingageri.org
Phone: (401) 490-7612

A special presentation for our Activity Professionals group


Thursday November 7, 2024   |   2:30-3:30 pm

Speaker: Meghan Gamboa, cofounder, Ageless Innovation
Meghan is a lifelong believer in the power of play. Her passion for her work has always been fueled by contributing to a team that she believes in and that makes an impact on those around them. She says, "My ‘finish line’ will be when play is so engrained in our everyday lives at all ages, we don’t even know we’re doing it."

Ageless Innovation’s Reach Out and Play initiative, sponsored by AARP, is designed to create meaningful social connections for older adults by bringing people of all ages together through the power of play. From senior living communities and community centers to living rooms and kitchen tables, Reach Out and Play events of all shapes and sizes are being held nationwide this year with a large concentration in the fall and winter timed to Grandparents’ Day and throughout the holiday season.

Come to our November meeting and hear how Reach Out and Play Board Game Events can inspire your community to build new memories and connections together! Learn about the board and card games that the company’s Joy for All brand has designed to meet the needs and interests of older adults and encourage intergenerational play. These games feature age-inclusive components such as easy-to-grasp game pieces, increased font size, and trivia and references that cater to players of all ages.
This is a Zoom event - please see your calendar invitation for the link.

We hope you can join us!
For more info, contact Karen Donovan at kdonovan@leadingageri.org.